Stories from the Stars

We are proud to support the Newborn Intensive Care Foundation's 'Stories from the Stars' book drive. The book drive aims to support siblings and parents in Canberra and the region navigating immense grief after the loss of a baby. Through storytelling and picture books, parents are supported to have difficult and honest conversations with children on the loss of a baby in their life. 

How do books help?

Sadly, many families leave the Canberra Hospital without a baby, through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal loss. Many of these babies have older brothers and sisters who have their dreams shattered, are left confused, in shock and trying to understand why their baby has died. After traumatic events like the loss of a baby, a new version of a parent is born, as they navigate grief and parenting. 

Books on loss and grief help parents to explain this challenging life topic, find comfort knowing that they are not alone on this journey and use rhyme and pictures to help make sense of this life changing event.

The books below have been selected by the hospital, the team at the Book Cow and the families who have lost a baby.  We will add books as new ones become available or recommendations are made.

You can choose to:

  • donate a book to a family through the Canberra Hospital. 
    • Select your book and "Add to Cart'.
    • Checkout your cart and, if you wish to make the donation in the name of a baby, add their name and year in the 'notes' section of your order (see below). 
    • Select "Stories from the Stars" for the shipping option - and use Stories from the Stars C/- Canberra Hospital, Hospital Rd, Garran ACT 2605 as the delivery address. We will deliver the books to the Canberra Hospital for free.


  • make a tax-deductible donation through the Newborn Intensive Care Foundation (NICF) who will use the funds to carefully select a range of books for local families to use or to assist families purchase their own books. 
    • Make a tax deductible donation HERE

If you would like to include your name as the donor, and/or you would like us to notify a family that a book has been donated in honour of their baby, please email these details to with a copy of your order. Our projecteers will ensure that this is honoured, and they will send an email card to the family.

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